2 days to go till the 2010 Virgin London Marathon. I was going to write about the last week and how it’s been pretty textbook. Then I reaslied I already wrote the post in April 2008 (before the last London Marathon).
See – click me
So without looking at the article I already wrote…..
1) Sore knee – yep, just went for a 30 min (what else!) run and was convinced I was developing a right knee injury. It cleared up when I forgot to think about it!
2) Skinny legs – yep, I’ve got em and boy do they look weak. But only in certain lights. Funny how you convince yourself that 4 months of training will suddenly disappear off your legs as rapid muscle atrophy sets in.
3) Worries about not doing enough miles – even though I know I did as much as I physically could this time I have still had a few niggling doubts that I haven’t done enough. Silly boy.
4) I’m ill – I’m not ill but I was convinced yesterday that a frog in the throat was the beginnings of a serious cold. Today…..there’s no cold but there’s still time right?
5) General feelings of tiredness – I was so tired on Mondays 30 min run that I had to stop. That was running @ 8 mins per mile too!!!
6) Self doubt – this is a strange one. I haven’t really got the self doubt this time quite as bad. The self doubt has been replaced by nerves. That’s right, I’m nervous. You lay it all on the line, you put the work in, you tell everyone, you publically blog about it……you don’t want to fail right?
If you can think of any other classic last week before a race things then let me know. I’m sure I’ve had them too!
Off to pick up my number soon. Roll on Sunday, whatever happens, I’m going to give it my all.
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