I’ve been thinking about the taper. There’s a slither over 3 weeks to go and today I ran 21.6 miles (3 laps of Richmond Park) with the boys from Thames Turbo. Nice ‘n’ slow at a shade of 3 hours but nevertheless it was a tough run being on the feet for that long. I digress, getting back to what I’ve been thinking.
I’ve been thinking about the taper. I’ve always had a lot of respect for Mark Grattons Hard marathon training programme but have never really tried to follow it seriously. Certainly didn’t think I’d be able to run twice a day every day. However having completed a run every day so far in 2010 I’m thinking that I could probably do this in 2011 if I chose to (which I won’t).
But what I’ve been really been thinking about (god I’m dragging this out) is the taper. Having run so consistently and put in so many miles I’m almost tempted to think that it’s all in the bank and just knock in the 30 mins a day. I know that’s not the right thing to do though. So going back to Mark Gratton’s Hard marathon training schedule I see a nice format for the last 3 weeks of running. Here’s how it looks (beginning Monday 5th April – my biffday)
Mon 5 Apr: 45 mins steady
Tue 6 Apr: 12 x 400 @ 3km pace, 200 jog rec.
Wed 7 APr: 10 miles – picking up pace.
Thu 8 Apr: 8 x 1km @ 10km pace, 2 mins recovery.
Fri 9 Apr: 8 miles steady.
Sat 10 Apr: 5 miles steady.
Sun 11 Apr: 16 miles Breakfast run (@ 6.10 per mile)
TOTAL – 53 miles
Mon 12 Apr: 6 miles steady
Tue 13 Apr 10 x 400 @ mile speed, 200 jog rec.
Wed 14 Apr: 10 miles steady
Thu 15 Apr: Marathon pace fartlek run – hold efforts of up to 5 mins at marathon pace, interspersed with recovery at steady pace (relaxed fartlek style 8 miles)
Fri 16 APR: 40 mins steady
Sat 17 Apr: Threshold run 30 mins
Sun 18 Apr: 11 miles steady
TOTAL – 47.5 miles
Mon 19 Apr: 8 miles steady
Tue 20 Apr: 10 x 200m hard strides in racing flats, 200 jog rec.
Wed 21 Apr: 35 mins steady
Thu 22 Apr: 30 mins steady – start carbo loading with pm meal.
Fri 23 Apr: 30 mins easy – highest carbo intake on this day, high water intake
Sat 24Apr: 30 mins easy – reduce food intake after 6pm, high water intake
Sun 25 Apr: London Marathon – the big day run sub 2.45
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