So far I’ve averaged 4.25 hours of training per week. A way off the 10 hour average needed for the Ironman but I’m very much trying to ease back into things without getting injured and without getting mentally jaded. I’ll be pushing for 6 sessions next week (2 of each) which might be a little challenging given I’m going to Edinburgh next weekend for the World Duathlon Champs (to watch Victoria Gill compete).
Last week I rolled out on the Thames Turbo club ride led by Martin Walsh. We followed a fantastic route out to Windsor avoiding all the usual roads. So this week I joined the Turbos again and led them round the route once again (with only one missed turning…quickly rectified). Still not feeling too strong but I think this is the 5th ride back so I’m not too worried. This ride culminated with an all out effort behind Richard Legge at 33.4mph until I exploded BIG TIME. I’m still feeling the effects over 1 hour later. Managed to hit 182 on the heart which is a road record. I once hit 187 in a max test but have never seen anything like it since.
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